Film, etc.

Published by dirk on

Today, I proudly present a blog of a friend of mine who calls himself “a Linux sysadmin at day and photographer at night (and vice-versa).”

The address is

He is indeed a very talented photographer and if Mathias does something, he does it right. His blog is all about processing film inside and outside the darkroom and he has just started it, so you can start reading without much backlog. He will keep you updated soon, so the cold winter days will not get too boring while you are scanning all your pictures from windy fall.

Currently there are two very interesting articles about Developing B&W film:

Part 1: The Equipment – All about the things you need to successfully develop film:

Development equipment

Part 2: The chemicals – All about the film itself and how it develops:

Film layers

So, I suggest you to do some reading about the theory and then head over and some practice. Of course, if you have something to add to this article or you have some super tips for successfully developing film, just give me a shout.

Categories: News


Dirk Essl is the founder of And has done a tremendous amount of coffee development in the past.


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